Artwork Services: Vector Art Conversions
Do you have a JPEG, PNG, TIFF or PDF that you need converted to vector art in an EPS format?

Do you have a JPEG, PNG, TIFF or PDF that you need converted to vector art in an EPS format? How about a scan of a sticker or other artwork you have created by hand? Catspit Productions now offers simple vector art conversions. Just send us your image file and we will convert it to vector.

The artwork will actually be recreated as vector art and formatted as an EPS file. We can also recreate the artwork, like hand drawn scanned art, and send it to you as a JPEG or other image file if you just need something digitized.

The EPS file or other image file will be delivered to you by email. This service is only for creating vector art. Please note that if you intend to use the art for screenprinting, the vector art created will need to be separated or adjusted for your screen printing purposes.

Scanned Inkjet PrintRecreated Vector Artwork

Scanned Hand Drawn ImageRecreated Vector Artwork

This service only recreates your original artwork into vector. Registration marks, color separations or halftones will not be created in this vector file. It will simply give you your artwork as vector. Then you will be ready to work with the artwork and get it ready for your printing application.

Artwork conversions start at $25 and go up depending on complexity. Please use the contact form below to request a price quote, and upload your artwork to us as a JPG file. Note: Only JPG file uploads can be accepted! If you need to send us a different file format, please simply contact us using the form below. We'll send you an email back for you to reply to with an attachment.

Conversions may take up to 5 business days after payment is received. Payments are made through PayPal invoicing.

Request An Email For Artwork Submission And Price Quote: *Please do not submit website questions here. Only artwork submissions will be accepted.

Select your artwork file to upload (2MB Max, JPG Only):