YUDU Screen Making Issues

This section is all about screen making. This would include stretching, mesh prep, and coating the screens with emulsion. All related topics such as screen storage and trouble shooting for getting screens ready to expose.

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YUDU Screen Making Issues

Post by GUNZ-N-HOZEZ »

HEY ER'1!!

I found this website via CATSPIT PRODUCTIONS LLC Youtube vids and figured I would join because I liked their Youtube tutorials and this forum seems to be a good place to get my questions answered.

But first let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Christopher. I live in Texas with my wife and 3 kids (18, 15, n 10). For the past 20 years I have been airbrushing (last 7 professionally) and have always had a desire to learn how to silk screen. So several months ago a regular customer came to me and wanted 40 shirts done for her upcoming family reunion. Rather than paint the single color design on each shirt (front and back I might add) I decided that this was my shot at silk screening it. Rather than investing $500 in a start up I went ahead n bought a YUDU. Now I know this is NOT the ideal machine to run a business on but it did what I needed to get done. Since then the custom airbrush Tshirt biz has been dwindling, so I figured I should focus more of my attention to learning how to silk screen. Now I do have some knowledge of how this whole process works, but the techniques and skill still arent quite there yet.

Anyways....I AM HERE TO LEARN!!!

I have a couple of YUDU 110 mesh screens that are giving me some problems.
So my first question is:
1) After I did that job I mentioned earlier I guess I did not thoroughly wash out the emulsion because when I tried to use the screen again, my new image failed miserably!! My guess is that the remaining emulsion hardened in the threads of the mesh and now it refuses to come out. I've tried dousing it in emulsion remover and it doesn't budge! Is there any hope of reclaiming this screen?
2) The second screen is fine, but I guess I left the masking tape on too long because the adhesive residue is now clogging up the mesh around the edges. This has caused me a lot of headache because nothing I have in my arsenal (short of a blow torch...lol) is breaking up the glue so I can get it off. Any suggestions on cleaning this screen...or is it a lost cause as well??

Thanks for reading this and please provide any insight/questions/comments you may have.

God Bless!!
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Re: YUDU Screen Making Issues

Post by Catspit Productions »


Welcome to the forum. I appreciate you signing up and posting your questions here. By doing that you are helping to support the continued production of free screen printing tutorial information from Catspit Productions. I am happy to hear you are enjoying the videos on YouTube as well. As for your questions...

1) After I did that job I mentioned earlier I guess I did not thoroughly wash out the emulsion because when I tried to use the screen again, my new image failed miserably!! My guess is that the remaining emulsion hardened in the threads of the mesh and now it refuses to come out. I've tried dousing it in emulsion remover and it doesn't budge! Is there any hope of reclaiming this screen?

- Yes, if you reclaim a screen but do not remove all of the emulsion it can cause what is known as screen lock. Applying emulsion remover and allowing it to dry will also cause screen lock. When you reclaim screens you should always use a pressure washer:

http://www.catspitproductionsllc.com/sc ... shers.html

Your only hope would be to use a good stencil remover with a pressure washer but the screen may be ruined depending on exactly what happened.

2) The second screen is fine, but I guess I left the masking tape on too long because the adhesive residue is now clogging up the mesh around the edges. This has caused me a lot of headache because nothing I have in my arsenal (short of a blow torch...lol) is breaking up the glue so I can get it off. Any suggestions on cleaning this screen...or is it a lost cause as well??

- Use a high quality ink wash or ink degrader to break up the adhesive/ink gumbo and then use a pressure washer to clean it out of the mesh. Any kind of stain removing, reclaiming or cleaning of the mesh should be done with a pressure washer and the appropriate chemical. If you work at home check out these videos on RhinoClean Green eco safe screen making chemicals:


I hope that helps out. Let us know what the story is and if you are already using a pressure washer. If so the screens are most likely ruined.

Good luck :)
Jonathan Monaco
Catspit Productions, LLC
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Re: YUDU Screen Making Issues

Post by GUNZ-N-HOZEZ »


Thanks for answering my questions. I was at first using my kitchen sink but I saw on another Youtube video someone using a garden hose with a sprayer on it. That helped a little better than my kitchen faucet so I started using the hose. After reading your response I guess a pressure washer is the best thing for me to use. I just have a couple of questions regarding that:

1) What PSI should I spray out the screens to : a) wash out the emulsion so I can print the designs, and b) reclaim the screens after I have completed the job?

2) I am a DIYer and was curious as to know if you have any "How to" plans on building a wash out booth?

God Bless,

PS...once i get a pressure washer I will report back to share my results.
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Re: YUDU Screen Making Issues

Post by ApeShirt »

From my understanding is that you want to use a lower psi pressure washer. Maybe around 1800 psi. Use the fan setting on the nozzle to start and adjust if necessary. hope this helped some.
If you're not going to go all the way then why bother going at all.
ApeShirt Apparel Printing, LLC
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Re: YUDU Screen Making Issues

Post by Catspit Productions »

Hey there Chris,

ApeShirt is correct. An 1800 PSI pressure washer will work fine and it will not distort the mesh openings from too much pressure. Also be careful not to use too fine of a nozzle spray too close the the mesh. The fan or wide angle setting will work best and you can move closer to the mesh on stubborn stains or emulsion without damaging the mesh.

Also if you use the pressure washer to degrease and mesh prep the screens for coating with emulsion then you need to run it some before you do that. When they are new oils form the manufacturing can still be present in the machine which will ruin mesh prep. But after running the unit for some time it will clear all of that out making it possible to use the pressure washer for mesh prep. Which is a good idea.

Good luck and we are always happy to hear about your progress :)

Thanks for the input ApeShirt!!
Jonathan Monaco
Catspit Productions, LLC
Learn how to screen print tee shirts!

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