Water Base Discharge

Here you can discuss any issues related to working with water based screen printing inks. This would include curing, heat setting, mixing colors, additives, brands, usages and much more.

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Water Base Discharge

Post by whiteyg »

I have a question about water based discharge. I am mixing 5773 (Khaki) 90% clear discharge base, 10% CMS pigments, and 6% activator. The pigments are Yellow, Reflex Blue, Black and White. The base and pigments mix fine, when I add the activator and let it sit and come back and stir it again it seems to slide around in the container, when I put it on the screen its like clabbered milk or congealed. Can anyone tell me what is going wrong? The base and activator are fine alone and don't have any problems. I did mix all the colors and activator, except white and the ink seemed fine, added the white pigment and boom a few minutes later and the congealing. The products are about 7 months old (base, pigments and activator.) Thanks. Also the total of all the pigments is 10%, not 10% each
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Re: Water Base Discharge

Post by Catspit Productions »

That's really a tech support question for whoever makes the inks you are using. If you are using different brands of products there that could be the reason. If you're using one brand of product then give them a call for technical assistance. I would only be guessing from here. I have never had this problem occur in my experience.
Jonathan Monaco
Catspit Productions, LLC
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Re: Water Base Discharge

Post by whiteyg »

They are all the same product, and I did call support. After several moments of silence, I got, "stir it a little more, maybe even use a mixing paddle."
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Re: Water Base Discharge

Post by Catspit Productions »

So I am assuming they figured the product was not mixed thoroughly.

Did you try using anything different to mix the product? Perhaps a drill with a paint mixing bit would do the trick.
Jonathan Monaco
Catspit Productions, LLC
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Re: Water Base Discharge

Post by whiteyg »

I took it to mean they didn't know, come on, stir it. I rated it right up there with the response I got on Facebook from another screenprinter "looks like your formula is wrong" and when I ask what was wrong, nothing in response. I am mixing 100 grams of product here not a bucket. I have done some more testing. I mixed the yellow, blue and black pigments with the base and then added the activator, results: no congealing.
I mixed the base and the white pigment, added the activator, results: yup slimy goop. I can only assume the white pigment is the culprit. Ordered some more pigment with find out in a couple of days. I remember reading about white pigments and discharge not agreeing with each other somewhere, but I can't remember where (senior moment). Thanks for your response.
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Re: Water Base Discharge

Post by Catspit Productions »

Okay well if that is the case I would not buy that product again. Poor product, poor support.

I would have no idea about the formula and whether it is correct or not. The company that makes the product would be able to confirm that and make sure your formula is correct. So whoever said that wasn't really thinking. Each product is different and may have different instructions for mixing, storing and usages..... etc.

I would try something else next time you need to resupply.

Let us know what you discover with the fresh pigment, if you don't mind.
Jonathan Monaco
Catspit Productions, LLC
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