Busy, Busy And YouTube Comments Malfunctioning Plus More!

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Catspit Productions
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Busy, Busy And YouTube Comments Malfunctioning Plus More!

Post by Catspit Productions »

It’s been a busy week here at the Catspit Productions storefront. I’ve been working on several videos for you at once while trying to keep up with office work and preparing the next 2 screen printing videos. I’m about ready to make some screens for the 3 color halftone video. I have 2 videos to upload before we get to look at that production.

On another note, the YouTube comments seem to be malfunctioning again. I replied to several comments only to see the replies missing. Then I replied again and no one responded. Then the next time I looked at the comments for this video everything was gone! So I have a backlog of questions and comments I am waiting to answer for fear my replies will go into cyberspace thanks to Google doing something to the system again. Please be patient for replies on the YouTube videos as I am dealing with Google.

Check out this very cool instillation of one of my Ranar washout booths and a RhinoTech filtration system. This is an awesome example of how anything can be solved with some good plumbing and planning.
http://catspitscreenprintsupply.com/ran ... out-booth/

http://catspitscreenprintsupply.com/m-1 ... em-w-pump/

Screenprinting equipment and supplies, classes, training, shop rentals:

Catspit Productions, LLC
Phoenix, Arizona


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Jonathan Monaco
Catspit Productions, LLC
Learn how to screen print tee shirts!
