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Emulsion not fully washing out :/

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:22 am
by corbingmh
Hello, I'm fairly new to the screen printing business and I'm experiencing a problem that idk how to get around.
When I wash out my design on my screen, some parts of the design fully washes out while other parts (mainly the fine detail) are not washing out all the way. Once I start washing the design out, I can instantly see that it's working in the big areas. In the small areas, I can see light through those parts but the emulsion isn't fully coming out. It seems like parts of the screen where the design didn't fully wash out are washing out (to the point where I can see the outline of the design) but aren't coming ALL THE WAY out so ink won't go thru those parts.

As you can see from the attached picture that reads MIND (over) MATTER, the "I" and the right part of the "M" in mind are fully washed out. But for the most part, the "N" isn't washed out but you can still see where it's supposed to be washed out by the outline. The "M" in matter on the bottom is all messed up also and the "A" didn't bother to wash out. Light is penetrating through the letters even though ink isn't able to seep through.

- Corbin

Re: Emulsion not fully washing out :/

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:09 am
by Saati
This is caused by a couple of things. The positive is not dens(dark enough), You dont have good enough contact betwwen the emulsion the positive and the glass, you have exposed it tooo long in the exposure unit , or a combination of all 3.

Re: Emulsion not fully washing out :/

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:02 am
by Catspit Productions
Yeah I agree with Saati. It looks like this film positive was made by hand perhaps. Maybe a black Sharpie and some clear acetate?

If so that is totally the culprit. The marker lines will have variances in density causing such phenomena as you see with an outline and nothing washed out in the center. If your exposure time and the film to screen contact is okay, as suggested it may not be, then we need to look at the film positive.

If we have not already given you the answer to your problem, please describe in detail what you are using and what you are doing in order to expose this screen.

Thanks for joining the forum!