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Degreaser to clean screens

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:37 am
by Casams
Until recently when I found Catspit Productions I had been left on my own to determine the ins-n-outs of screen printing. My question is in regards to the use of a degreaser. I have been using "Simple Green" to get the grease, oil residue off of the screens so that I could put emulsion on them. I have not really had any problems that I can attribute to the use of the Simple Green however, I have found that I have established quite a few BAD habits. Does anyone know of any problems that could occur if I continue the use of this degreaser?

Re: Degreaser to clean screens

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 11:35 am
by Shamax
I haven't heard any horror stories in regards to prolonged usage of Simple Green other than people often recommend to dilute it (or any other citrus cleaner) about 9:1 or 10:1 in water. I'd guess that would be so that it doesn't get so soapy that it's a nightmare to get it all washed off. I've been using a free bottle of Ryonet's "Green stuff" I got a few months back - it's a combination degreaser, dehazer, and mesh abrader that works well and smells great, but I'll probably try something else once it's gone. It's not the healthiest thing for the mesh to get abraded each time it gets reclaimed :P