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Using Paper Stencils for Multiple Layer Prints

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:40 pm
by moskoeone
Hi, I am just wondering whether you think trying to print 2/3 or 4 layer/-4 colour prints with paper stencils would be a futile endevour?
Are light exposed screens really needed for this, or can it be done well with stencils with practice?

(just should say also that all the videos, this forum and the site are really fantastic and generous resource for understanding this craft, very clear, in-depth and easy to follow)
any help most appreciated.

Re: Using Paper Stencils for Multiple Layer Prints

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:12 pm
by Catspit Productions
Thank you! :) I am very happy you like the forum, website and videos. I appreciate the kind words. You’re welcome, thanks for posting on the forum!

I would say that doing a 2 color with paper stencils may be pretty easy with very loose registration but more than that may be pushing it. I suppose it will depend on how well the paper stencils stay in place and do not get soaked with ink. Maybe some spray tack on the back to help hold the paper to the mesh would help.

But if you want to do a proper multi colored print you’ll need to use the photographic method.